Thai bourse & Thaipat Institute to start Phase 3 promoting social responsibility
The Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET)'s Corporate Social Responsibility Institute (CSRI) and Thaipat Institute (the Foundation for Thailand Rural Reconstruction Movement Under Royal Patronage) have been very successful in promoting the concept of corporate social responsibility (CSR) among employees of over 200 companies with over 8,000 staff, under CSR Day Project Phases 1 and 2, which covered March 2009-December 2010. They are planning to start Phase 3, which should have even more listed firms participate, led by DTAC and Bangchak.
SET President Charamporn Jotikasthira, said "The SET, through its Corporate Social Responsibility Institute (CSRI), has realized the importance of promoting a CSR mindset among listed firms, so that they continue their businesses while acting responsibly for society and environment. This mindset begins from inside the organization, from among its personnel. The concept of CSR is practical all the time. Employees can be instilled with the awareness of CSR while performing jobs, such as well-planned service to clients, honest provision of information to clients, or a watchful eye during the production process to minimize pollution or select environmental-friendly raw materials. All of these are keys for any business to gain client trust and will result in business sustainability."
Mr. Punsak Vejanurug, Executive Director, Industry Development Center of Capital Market Development Fund added "In 2011, the SET's CSRI will focus on preparing CSR reports and developing CSR case studies, based on exemplary listed companies with outstanding CSR implementation. The CSR Day Project will disseminate these case studies to companies in order to help them discover their own paths and ideas to apply the CSR concept within their organizations."
CSR Day Project Phase 3 has received continuing support from Total Access Communication PCL (DTAC) and the Bangchak Petroleum PCL. Both companies have been outstanding in CSR and have been recognized with CSR Awards from the SET.
Mr. Peerapong Klinlaor, Head of DTAC's CSR Office, said "The responses to the past CSR DAY Project have been an epiphany for the organizers and a driving force for continuing the project into Phase 3. All participants in 2011 will receive a copy of the CSR Day Report, which includes ideas from each organization's employees. They will also be awarded CSR Day certificates and the newly-reviewed CSR Guidelines from the Securities and Exchange Commission, which will help organizations carry out CSR policy efficiently."
Mr. Wattana Opanon-amata, Senior Executive Vice President of Bangchak Petroleum PCL, said that with high volatility in the business world, the need for sustained business development requires instiling CSR concepts from one generation of employees to the next, so that they work while learning to benefit themselves, co-workers, their local communities and society, combining competitiveness with innovation. With responsible and striving employees, the organization itself and the country as a whole can only stand to benefit from their actions.
"CSR Day Project activities help organizations find ways and space for their employees to participate more and utilize their competency to benefit others, implanting CSR from one generation to another, and from one organization to another. The overwhelming response to Phases 1 and 2 led Bangchak to continue its support to allow more organizations to take part in the CSR Day Project - Phase 3," said Mr. Wattana.
Thaipat Institute Director Pipat Yodprudtikan said that the Project's objective was to encourage listed companies and other business organizations to organize their own CSR Day within their premises to promote employee participation in the organization's CSR activities, while making "every working day a CSR Day". CSR Day Project - Phases 1 and 2 in 2009 and 2010 have been well-received by companies which took part in the project. Many activities suggested by employees have been taken up and made the organization's chosen CSR activities. That is an indicator of the project's achievements and acceptance.
"Under sound procedures, any CSR activity that is the outcome of the employees' brainstorming session and is driven forward by all employees is more powerful than anything introduced by outsiders or any agency," said Mr. Pipat.
Listed companies or any other organization interested in CSR Day - Phase 3 can reserve their convenient day for free at the SET's CSRI by calling 0-2229-2515 or contacting the Thaipat Institute at 0-2930-5227 (for more information, please check out
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