Thai bourse and Thaipat Institute continue CSR Days to give intensive advice for listed companies
BANGKOK, October 30, 2012 – Corporate Social Responsibility Institute (CSRI), under The Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET), and Thaipat Institute jointly announce the continuation of CSR Day events into its fourth phase (2012-2013) to provide intensive advice for companies to conduct sustainability report after holding more than 300 training events, attracting more than 12,000 participants over the last three phases.
The CSR Day project, began since 2009, is also supported by Total Access Communication pcl (DTAC) and Bankchak Petroleum pcl (BCP). The first phase of the event provided knowledge and understanding of CSR to employee, called “Employee Engagement,” at the company’s location. The second phase focused on giving CSR knowledge for executives and company’s board member, or called “Director Program,” and the third phase was to give ISO 26000 knowledge and conducting CSR report, or sustainability report, for both listed companies and non-listed companies.
The fourth phase is expected to have at least 100 companies joining in the CSR Day event, covering activities, including workshops for employees and executives, and producing sustainability report for the 20 listed companies which earlier passed a CSR report-writing workshop. Moreover, it is expected to have another 20 companies joining in the program in 2013, enabling them to conduct the first CSR sustainable report to comply with GRI international standards.
SET President Charamporn Jotikasthira said: “Providing accurate insights on CSR to employees from the top down to the operation levels are core actions in implementing CSR concepts accurately and comprehensively, leading to creating sustainable development.”
In 2012, CSRI produced and distributed two handbooks, the “CSR guidelines for business” and “Guidelines for sustainability reports for listed companies and other interested organizations. These handbooks help firms develop CSR in conducting their businesses and disclosing information to investors and all other stakeholders.
CSRI also initiated workshop courses, including “Managing CSR for sustainable development” and “Writing CSR reports,” to match opportunities for listed companies to learn about implementing CSR in order to boost organizational value, gaining confidence from investors and the general public.
Pipat Yodprudtikan, Director of the Thaipat Institute, said: “The intensive advice on producing sustainability reports will be provided by advisory team passing trainings and getting certification from Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). Listed companies will get insights and readiness to conduct CSR report, enabling to choose indicator suitable to their organizations, collecting information, auditing sustainability, and evaluation report following the GRI.”
Peerapong Klinlaor, head of DTAC’s CSR office, said: “The CSR Day program has created a channel for joining the CSR activities of various organizations, such as exploring CSR activities at an individual level, presenting these activities at an organizational level, and exchanging views. These activities pave the way to building relationships between employees, called Employee Engagement, which helps drive CSR projects successfully with both internal and external organizations. Many corporations have developed activities learned from CSR Days into their own organizations.”
Wattana Opanon-amata, BCP Senior Executive Vice President, said: “CSR Day events have held more than 300 times. Employees have been attracted to participate in three courses, which are (a) CSR Engagement, which provides basic CSR knowledge and how to participate in CSR; (b) CSR Report, which focus on writing reports which comply with GRI, and (c) ISO 26000 guidelines for CSR international standards.
“Bangchak also supports CSR Day activities for top executives and company board members, or called directors program in kind of sharing experiences and conducting discussions, focusing on understanding the principles and scope of CSR, setting up CSR policies that are in line with an organization’s characteristics and practices,” Wattana said.
Listed companies or other organizations interested in CSR Day should call 0 2930 5227, visit, or call CSRI 0 2229 2604-5 for details of intensive advice for producing sustainable report.
For more information, please contact S-E-T Call Center +66 (0) 2229 2222
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