Thaipat Institute

GRI Certified Training Partner นับตั้งแต่ปี พ.ศ.2556

รู้จัก    CG   ¦   ESG   ¦   CSR   ¦   CSV   ¦   SD   ¦   SE   ¦   SB

GRI Data Partner

Thaipat Institute is pleased to be a data partner organization for the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) since 2016. We continue to express support of GRI and its mission, through our partnership with GRI as a data partner to collect and process information about GRI reporting and sustainability reporting.

We regularly share data with GRI about reports and reporting organizations, and also serve as on-the-ground contacts, identifying reporting trends in Thailand and regions. The report and organization related information provided by us is added to GRI's Sustainability Disclosure Database.

We can be your first point of contact in Thailand for registering a new sustainability report into the GRI Standards Report Registration System.

Thaipat Institute is the public-interest organization established in 1999 with its aim mainly in promoting corporate sustainability and socially responsible practices in business organizations. Our area of works covers research, training, consulting on CSR and sustainability practices, and reporting. We thrive on being a part of community shaping the future of sustainability and reporting, and empowering decision making towards a more sustainable economy and world.